Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Effictive team and performance management Essay

Effictive team and performance management - Essay Example Challenges such as unsuccessful problem solving, non-functioning team diversities and most common, motivation among the team members are inevitable in a team (Keyes, 2004; p. 1282). In this group, group problems were tackled and embraced accordingly by all responsible team members. A leader or a manager must moderate problem solving. In this respect, the team decided anonymously that I should be their leader. In the entire exercise, the team passed through all phases of team formation inclusive of forming, norming and storming phases (Tuckman, 1965; p. 385). Being a leader is never an easy experience. It becomes even more difficult when one is dealing with a dynamic group. Therefore, I had to use my interpersonal skills such creativity, flexibility, passion and self-competence as put forward by Goleman (2002; p. 251). Concerning passion, I had a feeling that emotional intelligence was instrumental in uniting the team members towards our mission. Concurrently, there are areas where I felt I lacked the necessary knowledge to offer guidance to the team. Hence, I learnt admitting the lack of knowledge or expertise was very significant. Some of the skills I thought I did not possess at all came handy to my surprise. For example, timely arrival and staying patient to the end of a discussion was fundamental during the field exercise. I have known by friends as a poor listener but my team experience gave me a limelight to be the best and active listener. Though there were members who felt they were entitled to dominate the discussion, I was quite equipped in this area. First, I studied their personality and eventually learnt ways of managing them. In fact according to Richard & Lynn (2007; p. 187), studying every group member within the shortest time possible is very essential. Following my experience in this group, I learnt that working towards building trust among team members was significant in managing the group. Taking responsibility for actions is vital in buildi ng trust among the members. To err is human and mistakes committed must be admitted to ensure an amicable solution is achieved. I learnt member’s involvement in different tasks was significant in achieving a formidable solution to the tasks. Likewise, allowing the group to make rules during the lifetime of the group is also very important (Monge & Contractor, 2003; p. 57). In this manner, the group will not feel dictated upon when certain decisions concerning them are to be made. At the time of making the rules, expectations of every team member must be noted with transparency it requires. In addition, it came to my grasp that my expectations of the team members were to be made clear to help build a cohesive team. Most importantly, I felt it was important for my connection with the group. Satisfying the group’s self-interest was a major force in creating strong interpersonal relationships (Laura, 2008; p. 387). I had an obligation to empathize with certain emotional is sues experienced by some of the group members. Ignoring some of the issues, which one may term as ‘petty’, was no constructive at all. Behaving in this manner was liable to the downfall of the team and the whole mission. Driving the mission to success must be the ultimate goal. However, a mission cannot be driven to success when other members are completely lost from the group. I was aware that every member had a right to express his or her plight during

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