Tuesday, December 24, 2019

A Discussion On Alcoholics Anonymous - 987 Words

Alcoholics Anonymous is one of the most widely known and used 12 step groups, it was found in 1935 by two men who wanted to share and support those who wanted to become sober. Currently I am in California so I had to search for a meeting here and I was able to find a 12 step meeting at a local church that took place in the morning. My thoughts before the meeting were interested as well as nervous. I never went to one of these meetings nor do I know what one is about. Im not to sure what AA entails so I was interested in learning about it. Currently my boyfriends father is a recovering alcoholic so going to this made me think of him and I believe may help me understand him, his thought, and his feelings a little better. Before the meeting I began to read that AA does not discriminate including to those with other addictions, but closed meetings are specifically for those battling addicting to alcohol (Capuzzi Stauffer, 2012). When I arrived they had coffee and refreshments open to an yone which i found thoughtful and a good way to get people talking. I saw mainly people with families there who seemed to be going for support. I was still a little apprehensive going by myself as a student and at the time did not feel open to sharing. A man came to the front and stated he is the speaker for this meeting and welcomed us to an open meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous. The meeting began with a moment of silence for those who are sick and a prayer. After the prayer the speaker spokeShow MoreRelatedAn Open Discussion Meeting Of Alcoholic s Anonymous At Boone s Own Club 121280 Words   |  6 PagesI spent the early evening this past Friday at an open discussion meeting of Alcoholic’s Anonymous at Boone’s own Club 12 establishment. I attended this meeting as an able-bodied young woman capable of hearing and seeing the happenings around me. The pressing concern on my mind for the evening was to consider barriers I might experience if I were attending this meetin g as a deaf person. I immediately became aware upon entering the building and taking seat at a round, conference-style table arrangementRead MoreAn Anonymous Group For My Understanding Group Dynamics Project1492 Words   |  6 Pages I chose to visit an Alcoholics Anonymous group for my Understanding Group Dynamics project. I went on March 20th 2016, to an open discussion group titled Pass it On Group for Beginners that are Living Sober. It was held at the First Congregational Church at 14 Brookside Road in Darien, CT 06854 at 6:15 p.m.. I chose to go to this group as I felt it was a group that I could most strongly connect to, as I am a recovering alcoholic. I have been cold turkey for two years now. I choose to live a soberRead MoreAlcoholics Anonymous : A Anonymous865 Words   |  4 PagesAttending an Alcoholic Anonymous Meeting Alcoholics Anonymous was founded in the basis that alcoholism cannot be healed medically, but spiritually. Alcoholics Anonymous was founded in 1939 by Bill Wilson, and Dr. Robert Smith (B’s, n.d.). The main goal of Alcoholics Anonymous is recovery from alcoholism, and to fully abstain from consuming alcohol. Several non-stated goals are staying out of jail, fixing a financial situation, or becoming happier (Trizio, 2006). After attending in a meeting forRead MoreMeeting : Buckeye Easy Dose It1112 Words   |  5 Pages12-Step Meeting: Buckeye Easy Dose It Alcoholics Anonymous can help individuals struggling with substance abuse. Low self-esteem in a person has been implicated in the development of alcohol use disorder, and relapse (Donovan, Ingalsbe, Benbow, Daley, 2013). 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One of the ru les stated was that those who hadRead MoreAlcoholics Anonymous Meeting, And A Nar Meeting1269 Words   |  6 PagesFor this assignment, I attended an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, Ala-Anon meeting, Narcotics Anonymous meeting, and a Nar-Anon meeting. The Alcoholics Anonymous meeting was in Greensboro titled â€Å"Back to Reality†. It was located at a fellowship club. The Ala-Anon meeting was located at Centertary United Methodist Church in Greensboro. The Narcotics Anonymous meeting was located at Saint James Presbyterian Church and the Nar-Anon meeting was held at Saint Johns United Methodist Church which was inRead MoreAlcohol Is A Dangerous Drug1411 Words   |  6 Pagesthat an alcoholic will face. There have been various forms of assistance that have been developed to help these individuals beat their addictions on account of Alcoholism is constantly growing. One major organization that has been created to help individuals who have become dependent on alcohol is Alcohol ics Anonymous; this organization has become the best treatment for people that suffer from Alcoholism however similar to many other programs it also has its disadvantages as well. Alcoholics AnonymousRead MoreA Study On Alcoholics Anonymous Essay1459 Words   |  6 PagesAlcoholics Anonymous has held an almost sacred spot in our society as the way for addicts to get sober through spiritual means, with many people having anecdotal stories and experiences corroborating this belief. To full examine the ethicality of AA, an in depth look at AA is required. A study of its history, a description of the program, the success rates and commonly held harmful beliefs of AA, alternatives to AA, and finally an analysis using Rawl’s Theory of Justice are all required in orderRead MoreAn Outsider s Perspective On An Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Essay1683 Words   |  7 PagesAn Outsider’s Perspective on an Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting I was given this assignment to do as an observation on an Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting and had to write a paper on what I have observed. I did not know if I could do this without feeling self-indulgence toward the members. After speaking to a member, I could not believe the sensation of listening to that person’s short history of battling Alcoholism. I m glad to be there to learn their negative and positive outcomes in their lives. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Statement of Purpose/ Personal Statement Free Essays

The world’s economies are facing many challenges and there is an urgent need for quick, effective solutions to address these never-ending issues in order to safeguard the lives of billions of people whose lives depend on it. Therefore, choosing economics does not come as a surprise given that; for the past seven years I have ensured and built a solid career in accounting which will definitely be applicable in the course. I have grasped the way the accounting system works, how numbers play a big role in the business world and how this figures impact on an individuals or country’s economy. We will write a custom essay sample on Statement of Purpose/ Personal Statement or any similar topic only for you Order Now I have chosen to further my education at University of Wyoming undertaking a doctorate in economics because I feel confident that this course will greatly benefit me, it is more than a stepping stone in the advancement of my career and I know my personal qualities of being a hard worker, very resourceful and a great team player can be productively applied. My academic qualifications as seen in my transcripts show that I am passionate when it comes to my studies and always work towards achieving good grades. I attended King Faisal University in Saudi Arabia (2001-2005) where I successfully graduated with a Bachelors Degree in Accounting. In 2007, I enrolled at Johnson and Wales University, USA where I am currently pursuing my Masters in Business Administration specifically in Global Business Leadership with concentrations in accounting. In my studies I have gained knowledge on a number of areas that are essential in this course which include: auditing, corporate taxation, strategic and effective communication, laws of accounting, professional ethics, and strategic services in marketing and financial management. All this and some of the undergraduate courses especially the few arts disciplines and research will go a long way in helping me understand the course more. My work experience at Almutawa Press Company from 2002 to 2005 gave me an opportunity to know how businesses operate and how the skills we learn in school are very necessary in any organization. I am very reliable when it comes to completing tasks and in meeting tight and strict deadlines. Furthermore, I can multi-task and prioritize and my pride lies in a job well done. I possess a highly dependable attitude that is both strong and professional which enables me to strive and excel in a fast paced, high volume and stressful working environment. Other than education and work, I have had the privilege of learning and living in a different country from where I was born and this has enabled me to interact with people from different parts of the world. I have embraced different cultures and practices and my experiences with them have made me a better person in terms of being more knowledgeable in matters other than academics and at the same time appreciative of other people’s views on life as well as knowing how different economies operate with regards to the policies they use. I have great plans for my future since my aim is to come up with better economic policies that will be used all over the world and work with great companies and individuals. It will be a great honor joining and advancing my career at University of Wyoming and be part of a world class teaching and research institution that is focused on helping people build their careers professionally while equipping them with skills that last a life time. How to cite Statement of Purpose/ Personal Statement, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

U.S. Multicultural Visions Essay Example For Students

U.S. Multicultural Visions Essay Saul Perkins November 4th 1998 Paper 3 Ask any typical-looking Asian students around campus whether they are Chinese or Japanese and the reply will probably be universal: Neither, Im Chinese-American. In reality, developing a clear concept of exactly how they define themselves as a race has become a difficult thing to do in this day and age for most Chinese-Americans. Many have become so well adjusted to the American way of life, that the only thing still tying them to their ancestral roots is physical appearance and the answer to the SAT questionnaire about ethnicity background. This is the basis for the overall theme of The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan. The Joy Luck Club is a group of varied stories rooted in the culture clash between four women whom adamantly follow Chinese refinement and their respective daughters, who are Americanized. Throughout the story, it becomes obvious that the daughters have become Americanized and are veering away from the sacred culture with which the mothers have come to appreciate as the basis for what keeps them stable throughout the endless trails and hardships they face. The differences in the upbringing of those women born during the first quarter of this century in China, and their daughters, born in the American atmosphere of California, are differences that form a metaphorical brick wall between the two generations lives. Faced with this wall, both sides have a hard time relating to one another. From the beginning of the novel, Suyuan Woo tells the story of The Joy Luck Club, a group started by the four Chinese mothers during World War II, where we feasted, we laughed, we played games, lost and won, we told the best stories. And each week, we could hope to be lucky. That hope was our only joy. (p. 12). It is obvious that over the years this weekly event has become more than just a game of Mah Jong and an extra helping of dinner for these women. It is the tie that binds them together; it is what keeps them grounded in what little Chinese culture is left for them to have and hold. Growing up during perilous times in China, they all were taught to desire nothing, to swallow other peoples misery, to eat their own bitterness. (p. 241). Though not many of them grew up terribly poor, they all had a certain respect for their elders, and for life itself. These Chinese mothers were all taught to be honorable, to the point of sacrificing their own lives to keep any family members promise. They all were taught to desire nothing, to swallow other peoples misery, to eat their own bitterness. (p. 241). This is in comparison to the American daughters who grew up with little to almost no culture. Lindo Jong, whose daughter, Waverly, doesnt even know four Chinese words, describes the complete difference and incompatibility of the two worlds she tried to connect for her daughter, American circumstances and Chinese character. She explains that there is no lasting feeling in being born in America, and that all being a minority means is that you are the first in line for scholarships. Most importantly, she notes that In America, nobody says you have to keep the circumstances somebody else gives you. (p. 289). Living in America, it was easy for Waverly to accept American circumstances and to grow up as any other American citizen. As a Chinese mother, Lindo wanted her daughter to learn the importance of Chinese character. She tried to teach her Chinese-American daughter How to obey parents and listen to your mothers mind. How not to show your own thoughts, to put your feelings behind your face so you can take advantage of hidden opportunities . . . .u820d8f13b19f0f4c2b5a9612a3c2ba7e , .u820d8f13b19f0f4c2b5a9612a3c2ba7e .postImageUrl , .u820d8f13b19f0f4c2b5a9612a3c2ba7e .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u820d8f13b19f0f4c2b5a9612a3c2ba7e , .u820d8f13b19f0f4c2b5a9612a3c2ba7e:hover , .u820d8f13b19f0f4c2b5a9612a3c2ba7e:visited , .u820d8f13b19f0f4c2b5a9612a3c2ba7e:active { border:0!important; } .u820d8f13b19f0f4c2b5a9612a3c2ba7e .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u820d8f13b19f0f4c2b5a9612a3c2ba7e { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u820d8f13b19f0f4c2b5a9612a3c2ba7e:active , .u820d8f13b19f0f4c2b5a9612a3c2ba7e:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u820d8f13b19f0f4c2b5a9612a3c2ba7e .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u820d8f13b19f0f4c2b5a9612a3c2ba7e .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u820d8f13b19f0f4c2b5a9612a3c2ba7e .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u820d8f13b19f0f4c2b5a9612a3c2ba7e .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u820d8f13b19f0f4c2b5a9612a3c2ba7e:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u820d8f13b19f0f4c2b5a9612a3c2ba7e .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u820d8f13b19f0f4c2b5a9612a3c2ba7e .u820d8f13b19f0f4c2b5a9612a3c2ba7e-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u820d8f13b19f0f4c2b5a9612a3c2ba7e:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Marketing Research Information on Primavera System Essay How to know your own worth and polish it, never flashing it around like a cheap ring. (p. 289). The American-born daughters never grasp on to these traits, partly why their story lines become so different from their purely Chinese parents. Rules of the Game is a set example in which the mother-daughter cultural conflict is evident. Waverlys mother is constantly showing off her daughter because she is a national chess champion. In a Chinese society, .

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Porters Generic Strategy

Introduction Firms operating in a competitive market can only succeed if they create competitive advantages in their industries. Firms can create competitive advantages if they are optimally positioned in their industries. In order to achieve optimal positioning, a firm must leverage its strengths.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Porter’s Generic Strategy specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This involves adopting one of Porter’s generic strategies namely, cost leadership strategy, differentiation strategy and focus strategy. These strategies are considered to be generic since they do not depend on either the firm or the industry. This paper aims at evaluating these strategies as well as giving examples of business sectors that can adopt them. Cost Leadership Strategy For a firm to pursue this strategy, it must aim at attaining the lowest cost of production in the industry. This will enable it to m aintain competitive prices in the market. Due to the low production cost, the firm can sell its goods at the prevailing price and realize higher returns than other firms. Alternatively, it can set its prices below the equilibrium price in order to increase its sales and market share. This strategy enables firms operating in markets characterized by price wars to remain profitable as their competitors incur losses. The strategy is suitable for businesses targeting the broad market. Was of Implementing the Cost Leadership Strategy The cost leadership strategy can be realized as follows. First, the firm can focus on improving process efficiency. This will help in lowering the overall cost of production and turnaround time. Second, the firm can obtain its supplies from a large source associated with low cost materials in order to reduce the price of the final product. Third, it can focus on vertical integration or outsourcing some of its operations in order to minimize operating cost. E xamples of operations that can be outsourced include logistics and transportation. Finally, the firm can avoid costs that are not necessary.Advertising Looking for term paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Preconditions for Cost Leadership Strategy In order to pursue the cost leadership strategy, the firm must have the following strengths. First, it must have the capital to acquire production assets. This acts as an entry barrier if the firm’s competitors lack capital to invest in the production assets. Second, the firm’s workers should be skilled in product design in order to facilitate efficient production. Besides, they must be experts in engineering manufacturing process in order to promote high efficiency. Finally, the firm must have an efficient distribution channel. This helps in lowering distribution costs. Despite its advantages, the cost leadership strategy is associated with th e following weaknesses. Other firms in the industry are also likely to achieve low cost in production thus lowering their prices as well. The competitive advantage attributed to efficient production can be eliminated as other firms adopt better production technologies. Cost leadership strategy is mainly used in the retail industry. This is because, firms in the industry serve a broad market and their customers are price sensitive, hence necessitating low prices. Differentiation Strategy Firms pursuing this strategy aim at developing products associated with superior attributes that are valued by customers. Due to the superior attributes, customers perceive the products to be better than those of competitors. The firm can charge a high price for the product due to its superior attributes. If the price of supplies increases, the firm can transfer the additional costs to the customers especially if substitutes are not readily available. Thus this strategy enables the firm to be associa ted with high product quality. Preconditions for Differentiation Strategy First, the firm must be able to make significant investment in research and development in order to produce high quality products. Second, the firm should hire highly skilled and creative employees in order to develop products that meet specific needs of the customers.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Porter’s Generic Strategy specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This can be achieved through strategic talent acquisition. Third, the firm’s sales team must be able to convey the perceived superior attributes of the product in the market. Finally, the firm should have a reputation of high quality in order to distinguish itself in the market. The differentiation strategy is associated with the following demerits. The unique attributes of the product can be imitated by competitors especially if the intellectual property rights are not protected through appropriate legislation. The product might become less attractive as customers’ tastes change. Besides, other firms might be able to achieve greater differentiation. Differentiation strategy is mainly pursued in manufacturing industry. For example, manufacturers of electronics such as Sony depend on high product quality to maintain their market shares. Focus Strategy In this case, the company focuses on a particular market segment. Some firms pursuing this strategy serve their segments through cost leadership strategy while others normally adopt a differentiation strategy. The rationale behind this strategy is that the needs of the segment can be served better by focusing on it. Firms pursing this strategy are associated with high customer loyalty and this prevents potential competitors from joining the market. Firms pursuing this strategy have low barraging power since they focus on a small market segment which leads to low sales volume. However, they c an transfer high production costs to customers through a differentiation-focused strategy. Preconditions for Focus Strategy The firm should have excellent knowledge of the market in order to serve it well. It should also be able to produce a wide range of products that best meet the needs of the customers. The focus strategy is associated with the following limitations. The products of the firm can be imitated by competitors especially if they have superior attributes. Changes in tastes in the market can also limit the firm’s sales. Besides, other firms might be able to identify sub-segments which they can best serve.Advertising Looking for term paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Focus strategy can be used in the service industry. For example, a consultancy firm can target a specific group of clients and offer tailor made services for such clients. Conclusion The above strategies enable firms to create competitive advantages in the market. Consequently, they are able to compete effectively and remain profitable. The generic strategies include focus strategy, differentiation strategy and cost leadership strategy. The selection of these strategies depends on the firm’s ability to meet the preconditions associated with them. Despite their benefits, each of these strategies has its demerits as discussed above. This term paper on Porter’s Generic Strategy was written and submitted by user Alannah H. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

R.L. Stevensons Classic Essay An Apology for Idlers

R.L. Stevensons Classic Essay An Apology for Idlers Best known for his popular adventure stories (Treasure Island, Kidnapped, The Master of Ballantrae) and the study of evil in The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Robert Louis Stevenson was also a noteworthy poet, short-story writer, and essayist. The Scots-born author spent much of his adult life traveling, searching for a healthful climate until he finally settled in Samoa in 1889. There he lived on his estate of Valima until his death at age 44. Stevenson was not yet a well-known writer in 1877 when he composed An Apology for Idlers (which, he said, was really a defense of R.L.S.), but his own days of idleness were about to come to an end. Just a year after he wrote in a letter to his mother, Hows that for busy? It does me good. It was well I wrote my Idlers when I did; for I am now the busiest gent in Christendom. After reading Stevensons essay, you may find it worthwhile to compare An Apology for Idlers with three other essays in our collection: In Praise of Idleness, by Bertrand Russell; Why Are Beggars Despised? by George Orwell; and On Laziness, by Christopher Morley. An Apology for Idlers By Robert Louis Stevenson BOSWELL: We grow weary when idle.JOHNSON: That is, sir, because others being busy, we want company; but if we were idle, there would be no growing weary; we should all entertain one another. 1 Just now, when every one is bound, under pain of a decree in absence convicting them of là ¨se-respectability, to enter on some lucrative profession, and labour therein with something not far short of enthusiasm, a cry from the opposite party, who are content when they have enough, and like to look on and enjoy in the meanwhile, savours a little of bravado and gasconade. And yet this should not be. Idleness so called, which does not consist in doing nothing, but in doing a great deal not recognized in the dogmatic formularies of the ruling class, has as good a right to state its position as industry itself. It is admitted that the presence of people who refuse to enter in the great handicap race for sixpenny pieces, is at once an insult and a disenchantment for those who do. A fine fellow (as we see so many) takes his determination, votes for sixpences, and in the emphatic Americanism, it goes for them. And while such an one is plowing distressfully up the road, it is not hard to understand his resentment, when he perceives cool persons in the meadows by the wayside, lying with a handkerchief over their ears and a glass at their elbow. Alexander is touched in a very delicate place by the disregard to Diogenes. Where was the glory of having taken Rome for these tumultuous barbarians, who poured into the Senate-house, and found the Fathers sitting silent and unmoved by their success? It is a sore thing to have labored along and scaled the arduous hilltops, and when all is done, find humanity indifferent to your achievement. Hence physicists condemn the unphysical; financiers have only a superficial toleration for those who know little of stocks; literary persons despise the unlettered, and people of all pursuits combine to disparage those who have none. 2 But though this is one difficulty of the subject, it is not the greatest. You could not be put in prison for speaking against industry, but you can be sent to Coventry for speaking like a fool. The greatest difficulty with most subjects is to do them well; therefore, please to remember this is an apology. It is certain that much may be judiciously argued in favor of diligence; only there is something to be said against it, and that is what, on the present occasion, I have to say. To state one argument is not necessarily to be deaf to all others, and that a man has written a book of travels in Montenegro, is no reason why he should never have been to Richmond. 3 It is surely beyond a doubt that people should be a good deal idle in youth. For though here and there a Lord Macaulay may escape from school honors with all his wits about him, most boys pay so dear for their medals that they never afterwards have a shot in their locker, and begin the world bankrupt. And the same holds true during all the time a lad is educating himself or suffering others to educate him. It must have been a very foolish old gentleman who addressed Johnson at Oxford in these words: Young man, ply your book diligently now, and acquire a stock of knowledge; for when years come upon you, you will find that poring upon books will be but an irksome task. The old gentleman seems to have been unaware that many other things besides reading grow irksome, and not a few become impossible, by the time a man has to use spectacles and cannot walk without a stick. Books are good enough in their own way, but they are a mighty bloodless substitute for life. It seems a pity to sit, like the Lady of Shalott, peering into a mirror, with your back turned on all the bustle and glamor of reality. And if a man reads very hard, as the old anecdote reminds us, he will have little time for thought. 4 If you look back on your own education, I am sure it will not be the full, vivid, instructive hours of truancy that you regret; you would rather cancel some lacklustre periods between sleep and waking in the class. For my own part, I have attended a good many lectures in my time. I still remember that the spinning of a top is a case of Kinetic Stability. I still remember that Emphyteusis is not a disease, nor Stillicide a crime. But though I would not willingly part with such scraps of science, I do not set the same store by them as by certain other odds and ends that I came by in the open street while I was playing truant. 5 This is not the moment to dilate on that mighty place of education, which was the favorite school of Dickens and of Balzac, and turns out yearly many inglorious masters in the Science of the Aspects of Life. Suffice it to say this: if a lad does not learn in the streets, it is because he has no faculty of learning. Nor is the truant always in the streets, for if he prefers, he may go out by the gardened suburbs into the country. He may pitch on some tuft of lilacs over a burn, and smoke innumerable pipes to the tune of the water on the stones. A bird will sing in the thicket. And there he may fall into a vein of kindly thought, and see things in a new perspective. Why, if this be not education, what is? We may conceive Mr. Worldly Wiseman accosting such an one, and the conversation that should thereupon ensue:How now, young fellow, what dost thou here?Truly, sir, I take mine ease.Is not this the hour of the class? and shouldst thou not be plying thy Book with diligence, to the end thou mayest obtain knowledge?Nay, but thus also I follow after Learning, by your leave.Learning, quotha! After what fashion, I pray thee? Is it mathematics?No, to be sure.Is it metaphysics?Nor that.Is it some language?Nay, it is no language.Is it a trade?Nor a trade neither.Why, then, what ist?Indeed, sir, as a time may soon come for me to go upon Pilgrimage, I am desirous to note what is commonly done by persons in my case, and where are the ugliest Sloughs and Thickets on the Road; as also, what manner of Staff is of the best service. Moreover, I lie here, by this water, to learn by root-of-heart a lesson which my master teaches me to call Peace, or Contentment. 6 Hereupon Mr. Worldly Wiseman was much commoved with passion, and shaking his cane with a very threatful countenance, broke forth upon this wise: Learning, quotha! said he; I would have all such rogues scourged by the Hangman! 7 And so he would go his way, ruffling out his cravat with a crackle of starch, like a turkey when it spread its feathers. 8 Now this, of Mr. Wisemans, is the common opinion. A fact is not called a fact, but a piece of gossip, if it does not fall into one of your scholastic categories. An inquiry must be in some acknowledged direction, with a name to go by; or else you are not inquiring at all, only lounging; and the work-house is too good for you. It is supposed that all knowledge is at the bottom of a well, or the far end of a telescope. Sainte-Beuve, as he grew older, came to regard all experience as a single great book, in which to study for a few years ere we go hence; and it seemed all one to him whether you should read in Chapter xx., which is the differential calculus, or in Chapter xxxix., which is hearing the band play in the gardens. As a matter of fact, an intelligent person, looking out of his eyes and hearkening in his ears, with a smile on his face all the time, will get more true education than many another in a life of heroic vigils. There is certainly some chill and arid knowledge to be found upon the summits of formal and laborious science; but it is all round about you, and for the trouble of looking, that you will acquire the warm and palpitating facts of life. While others are filling their memory with a lumber of words, one-half of which they will forget before the week be out, your truant may learn some really useful art: to play the fiddle, to know a good cigar, or to speak with ease and opportunity to all varieties of men. Many who have plied their book diligently, and know all about some one branch or another of accepted lore, come out of the study with an ancient and owl-like demeanour, and prove dry, stockish, and dyspeptic in all the better and brighter parts of life. Many make a large fortune, who remain underbred and pathetically stupid to the last. And meantime there goes the idler, who began life along with themby your leave, a different picture. He has had time to take care of his health and his spirits; he has been a great deal in the open air, which is the most salutary of all things for both body and mind; and if he has never read the great Book in very recondite places, he has dipped into it and skimmed it over to excelle nt purpose. Might not the student afford some Hebrew roots, and the business man some of his half-crowns, for a share of the idlers knowledge of life at large, and Art of Living? Nay, and the idler has another and more important quality than these. I mean his wisdom. He who has much looked on at the childish satisfaction of other people in their hobbies, will regard his own with only a very ironical indulgence. He will not be heard among the dogmatists. He will have a great and cool allowance for all sorts of people and opinions. If he finds no out-of-the-way truths, he will identify himself with no very burning falsehood. His way takes him along a by-road, not much frequented, but very even and pleasant, which is called Commonplace Lane, and leads to the Belvedere of Common-sense. Thence he shall command an agreeable, if not very noble prospect; and while others behold the East and West, the Devil and the Sunrise, he will be contentedly aware of a sort of morning hour upon all sublunary things , with an army of shadows running speedily and in many different directions into the great daylight of Eternity. The shadows and the generations, the shrill doctors and the plangent wars, go by into ultimate silence and emptiness; but underneath all this, a man may see, out of the Belvedere windows, much green and peaceful landscape; many firelit parlours; good people laughing, drinking, and making love as they did before the Flood or the French Revolution; and the old shepherd telling his tale under the hawthorn. 9 Extreme  busyness, whether at school or college, kirk or market, is a symptom of deficient vitality; and a faculty for idleness implies a catholic appetite and a strong sense of personal identity. There is a sort of dead-alive, hackneyed people about, who are scarcely conscious of living except in the exercise of some conventional occupation. Bring these fellows into the country, or set them aboard ship, and you will see how they pine for their desk or their study. They have no curiosity; they cannot give themselves over to random provocations; they do not take pleasure in the exercise of their faculties for its own sake; and unless Necessity lays about them with a stick, they will even stand still. It is no good speaking to such folk: they  cannot  be idle, their nature is not generous enough; and they pass those hours in a sort of coma, which are not dedicated to furious moiling in the gold-mill. When they do not require to go to the office, when they are not hungry and hav e no mind to drink, the whole breathing world is a blank to them. If they have to wait an hour or so for a train, they fall into a stupid trance with their eyes open. To see them, you would suppose there was nothing to look at and no one to speak with; you would imagine they were paralysed or alienated: and yet very possibly they are hard workers in their own way, and have good eyesight for a flaw in a deed or a turn of the market. They have been to school and college, but all the time they had their eye on the medal; they have gone about in the world and mixed with clever people, but all the time they were thinking of their own affairs. As if a mans soul were not too small to begin with, they have dwarfed and narrowed theirs by a life of all work and no play; until here they are at forty, with a listless attention, a mind vacant of all material of amusement, and not one thought to rub against another, while they wait for the train. Before he was breeched, he might have clambered on the boxes; when he was twenty, he would have stared at the girls; but now the pipe is smoked out, the snuff-box empty, and my gentleman sits bolt upright upon a bench, with lamentable eyes. This does not appeal to me as being Success in Life. 10 But it is not only the person himself who suffers from his busy habits, but his wife and children, his friends and relations, and down to the very people he sits with in a railway carriage or an omnibus. Perpetual devotion to what a man calls his business, is only to be sustained by perpetual neglect of many other things. And it is not by any means certain that a mans business is the most important thing he has to do. To an impartial estimate it will seem clear that many of the wisest, most virtuous, and most beneficent parts that are to be played upon the Theatre of Life are filled by gratuitous performers, and pass, among the world at large, as phases of idleness. For in that Theatre, not only the walking gentlemen, singing chambermaids, and diligent fiddlers in the orchestra, but those who look on and clap their hands from the benches, do really play a part and fulfill important offices towards the general result. 11 You are no doubt very dependent on the care of your lawyer and stockbroker, of the guards and signalmen who convey you rapidly from place to place, and the policemen who walk the streets for your protection; but is there not a thought of gratitude in your heart for certain other benefactors who set you smiling when they fall in your way, or season your dinner with good company? Colonel Newcome helped to lose his friends money; Fred Bayham had an ugly trick of borrowing shirts; and yet they were better people to fall among than Mr. Barnes. And though Falstaff was neither sober nor very honest, I think I could name one or two long-faced Barabbases whom the world could better have done without. Hazlitt mentions that he was more sensible of obligation to Northcote, who had never done him anything he could call a service, than to his whole circle of ostentatious friends; for he thought a good companion emphatically the greatest benefactor. I know there are people in the world who canno t feel grateful unless the favour has been done them at the cost of pain and difficulty. But this is a churlish disposition. A man may send you six sheets of letter-paper covered with the most entertaining gossip, or you may pass half an hour pleasantly, perhaps profitably, over an article of his; do you think the service would be greater, if he had made the manuscript in his hearts blood, like a compact with the devil? Do you really fancy you should be more beholden to your correspondent, if he had been damning you all the while for your importunity? Pleasures are more beneficial than duties because, like the quality of mercy, they are not strained, and they are twice blest. There must always be two to a kiss, and there may be a score in a jest; but wherever there is an element of sacrifice, the favour is conferred with pain, and, among generous people, received with confusion. 12 There is no duty we so much underrate as the duty of being happy. By being happy, we sow anonymous benefits upon the world, which remain unknown even to ourselves, or when they are disclosed, surprise nobody so much as the benefactor. The other day, a ragged, barefoot boy ran  down the street after a marble, with so jolly an air that he set every one he passed into a good humour; one of these persons, who had been delivered from more than usually black thoughts, stopped the little fellow and gave him some money with this remark: You see what sometimes comes of looking pleased. If he had looked pleased before, he had now to look both pleased and mystified. For my part, I justify this encouragement of smiling rather than tearful children; I do not wish to pay for tears anywhere but upon the stage; but I am prepared to deal largely in the opposite commodity. A happy man or woman is a better thing to find than a five-pound note. He or she is a radiating focus of goodwill; and their entrance into a room is as though another candle had been lighted. We need not care whether they could prove the forty-seventh proposition; they do a better thing than that, they practically demonstrate the great Theorem of the Liveableness of Life. Consequently, if a person cannot be happy without remaining idle, idle he should remain. It is a revolutionary precept; but thanks to hunger and the workhouse, one not easily to be abused; and within practical limits, it is one of the most incontestable truths in the whole Body of Morality. Look at one of your industrious fellows for a moment, I beseech you. He sows hurry and reaps indigestion; he puts a vast deal of activity out to interest, and receives a large measure of nervous derangement in return. Either he absents himself entirely from all fellowship, and lives a recluse in a garret, with carpet slippers and a leaden inkpot; or he comes among people swiftly and bitterly, in a contraction of his whole nervous system, to discharge some temper before he returns to work. I do not care how much or ho w well he works, this fellow is an evil feature in other peoples lives. They would be happier if he were dead. They could easier do without his services in the Circumlocution Office, than they can tolerate his fractious spirits. He poisons life at the well-head. It is better to be beggared out of hand by a scapegrace nephew, than daily hag-ridden by a peevish uncle. 13 And what, in Gods name, is all this pother about? For what cause do they embitter their own and other peoples lives? That a man should publish three or thirty articles a year, that he should finish or not finish his great allegorical picture, are questions of little interest to the world. The ranks of life are full; and although a thousand fall, there are always some to go into the breach. When they told Joan of Arc she should be at home minding womens work, she answered there were plenty to spin and wash. And so, even with your own rare gifts! When nature is so careless of the single life, why should we coddle ourselves into the fancy that our own is of exceptional importance? Suppose Shakespeare had been knocked on the head some dark night in Sir Thomas Lucys preserves, the world would have wagged on better or worse, the pitcher gone to the well, the scythe to the corn, and the student to his book; and no one been any the wiser of the loss. There are not many works extant, if yo u look the alternative all over, which are worth the price of a pound of tobacco to a man of limited means. This is a sobering reflection for the proudest of our earthly vanities. Even a tobacconist may, upon consideration, find no great cause for personal vainglory in the phrase; for although tobacco is an admirable sedative, the qualities necessary for retailing it are neither rare nor precious in themselves. Alas and alas! you may take it how you will, but the services of no single individual are indispensable. Atlas was just a gentleman with a protracted nightmare! And yet you see merchants who go and labour themselves into a great fortune and thence into the bankruptcy court; scribblers who keep scribbling at little articles until their temper is a cross to all who come about them, as though Pharaoh should set the Israelites to make a pin instead of a pyramid; and fine young men who work themselves into a decline, and are driven off in a hearse with white plumes upon it. Would you not suppose these persons had been whispered, by the Master of the Ceremonies, the promise of some momen tous destiny? and that this lukewarm bullet on which they play their farces was the bulls eye and centre-point of all the universe? And yet it is not so. The ends for which they give away their priceless youth, for all they know, may be chimerical or hurtful; the glory and riches they expect may never come, or may find them indifferent; and they and the world they inhabit are so inconsiderable that the mind freezes at the thought. * An Apology for Idlers, by Robert Louis Stevenson, first appeared in the July 1877 issue of the  Cornhill Magazine  and was later published in Stevensons essay collection  Virginibus Puerisque, and Other Papers   (1881).

Friday, November 22, 2019

Definition and Types of Illocutionary Force

Definition and Types of Illocutionary Force In speech-act theory, illocutionary force  refers to a speakers intention in delivering an utterance  or to the kind of illocutionary act the speaker is performing. Also known as an illocutionary function  or illocutionary point. In Syntax: Structure, Meaning, and Function (1997), Van Vallin and LaPolla state that illocutionary force refers to whether an utterance is an assertion, a question, a command or an expression of a wish. These are different types of illocutionary force, which means that we can talk about interrogative illocutionary force, imperative illocutionary force, optative illocutionary force, and declarative illocutionary force. The terms illocutionary act and illocutionary force were introduced by British linguistic philosopher John L. Austin in How to Do Things With Words (1962). Examples and Observations Illocutionary Act and Illocutionary Force [A]n illocutionary act refers to the type of function a speaker intends to accomplish in the course of producing an utterance. It is an act accomplished in speaking and defined within a system of social conventions. Thus, if John says to Mary Pass me the glasses, please, he performs the illocutionary act of requesting or ordering Mary to hand the glasses over to him. The functions or actions just mentioned are also referred to as the illocutionary force or illocutionary point of the speech act. The illocutionary force of a speech act is the effect a speech act is intended to have by a speaker. Indeed, the term speech act in its narrow sense is often taken to refer specifically to illocutionary act.(Yan Huang, The Oxford Dictionary of Pragmatics. Oxford University Press, 2012) Illocutionary Force Indicating Devices There are different devices used to indicate how an illocutionary force must be interpreted. For example, Open the door and Could you open the door have the same propositional content (open the door), but they represent different illocutionary acts- an order and a request respectively. These devices that aid the hearer in identifying the illocutionary force of the utterance are referred to as the illocutionary force indicating devices or IFIDs [also called illocutionary force markers]. Performative verbs, mood, word order, intonation, stress are examples of IFIDs.(Elizabeth Flores Salgado,  The Pragmatics of Requests and Apologies. John Benjamins, 2011) I may indicate the kind of illocutionary act I am performing by beginning the sentence with I apologize, I warn, I state, etc. Often, in actual speech situations, the context will make it clear what the illocutionary force of the utterance is, without its being necessary to invoke the appropriate explicit illocutionary force indicator.(John R. Searle,  Speech Acts: An Essay in the Philosophy of Language. Cambridge University Press, 1969) I Was Just Saying That Kenneth Parcell: Im sorry, Mr. Jordan. Im just overworked. With my page duties and being Mr. Donaghys assistant, theres not enough hours in the day.Tracy Jordan: Im sorry about that. But just let me know if theres any way I can help.Kenneth: Actually, there is one thing...Tracy: No! I was just saying that! Why cant you read human facial cues (Jack McBrayer and Tracy Morgan, Cutbacks. 30 Rock, April 9, 2009) Pragmatic Competence Achieving pragmatic competence involves the ability to understand the illocutionary force of an utterance, that is, what a speaker intends by making it. This is particularly important in cross-cultural encounters since the same form (e.g. When are you leaving?) can vary in its illocutionary force depending on the context in which it is made (e.g. May I have a ride with you? or Dont you think it is time for you to go?).(Sandra Lee McKay, Teaching English as an International Language. Oxford University Press, 2002) What I Really Mean When I say how are you to a co-worker, I really mean hello. Although I know what I mean by how are you, it is possible that the receiver does not know that I mean hello and actually proceeds to give me a fifteen-minute discourse on his various maladies.(George Ritzer, Sociology: A Multiple Paradigm Science. Allyn Bacon, 1980)

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Social Stigma and Mental Illness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Social Stigma and Mental Illness - Essay Example While such labels are applicable to a small fraction of patients, a majority of them are â€Å"normal† individuals by common standards. Their disorders and disturbances only affect their concentration, cognition and efficiency. Yet, they get ostracized for their condition. The mainstream media plays a significant role in spreading such misconceptions among the citizenry. As a matter of statistic, crime rates among the mentally disturbed are quite similar to that of the control group (Angermeyer, 2004). Yet, the media portrays them as people prone to violent and antisocial behavior. For example, â€Å"Mental illness also has not received the sensitive media coverage that other illnesses have been given. We are surrounded by stereotypes, popular movies talk about killers who are "psychos" and news coverage of mental illness only when it related to violence. We also often hear the causal use of terms like "lunatic" or "crazy," along with jokes about the mentally ill. These representations and the use of discriminatory language distort the public’s view and reinforce inaccuracies about mental illness.† (Schulze, 2003) It is not an even keel with all types of afflictions. Some of them like schizophrenia are subject to more ridicule and stigma than say depression. People affected with this condition are portrayed as â€Å"psychos†, â€Å"whackos†, â€Å"nut balls†, etc. While disorders like depression don’t attract such treatment as a result of widespread awareness about anti-depressants within the mainstream media (Kelly, 2007). There are other negative consequences to such stigma. For one thing, many people shy away from getting proper treatment for their conditions on fear of being ridiculed and disparaged. They also develop unreasonable fears of abandonment by their family and friends once the illness comes to light

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

My Philosophy of Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

My Philosophy of Education - Essay Example From the video clip, the children learn by touching, seeing and feeling the concepts in the use of beads in understanding math. The child gets comfortable with all the materials that represent certain symbols. They can count the symbols from 0-9 by binding the spindle by a rubber band, to represent symbols. This is aimed at helping them manipulate numbers of any magnitude. Pestalozzian and Montessorian teaching techniques included the use of a special environment for learning, by using materials and activities that are based on the conservation of the children. Contrary to the conventional schools, children are not motivated to learn by rewards and subjected to punishments if they fail. Here children learn at their will. They concentrate on structure and play with objects, repeat the previous actions until they master a specific skill. Their capacity for learning lead to reading and writing skills on their own will. Ms. Williams used the same techniques as Pestalozzian and Montessorian. She gave children materials like small sticks and beads to play with. They tie the objects in the representation of symbols. They learn the concept of numbers and understand math. This is because children like playing with objects and enjoy touching everything. They learn by touching, feeling and gaining skills from it. Same as Pestalozzian and Montessorian, they are no t motivated by rewards. They learn at their convenience. Ms. Williams gives objects to children to learn by touching and playing with them. They acquire skills not by being told but by touching, seeing and understanding how everything works. For instance, a cat can scratch when handled carelessly, instead of telling them, they will experience it. So they will be careful next time, because they touched the cat, and learned how to handle it; where to touch it and where to avoid. That’s a skill they have learned through their own initiative.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Summarize the Positive and Negative Aspects of Offshoring Essay Example for Free

Summarize the Positive and Negative Aspects of Offshoring Essay Offspring means is moving the production to other countries. Currently this is happening in most of the countries where they find other countries are cheaper to produce their products. Weighing advantages and disadvantages of off shoring is always debate. I want to summarize the advantages and disadvantages off shoring in point of view and then I will put my strategy on this. Advantages Off shoring helps in reduce the total costs of a product by getting cheaper labor and core stuff for the product. This way company can focus on its administration operations like sales and marketing. It definitely reduces overhead costs like resource management. Many companies hire to do non technical recourses to do their work. This is the main reason that India has set up so many call centers to help their customers for USA companies. Off shoring helps companies when their operations come operationally uncontrollable. IT can increase the company efficiency and productivity so that it can be successful and better for marketing of its products in highly competitive market. Off shoring also makes an organization free from investments in technology, infrastructure to reduce the capital expenditure. It gives the business flexibility to increase the new skills that can be used as competitive advantage. Disadvantages Off shoring does not suit for all companies and if company does estimate its necessity, the company would unsuccessful. One of the risks it has is losing sensitive data and the loss of confidentiality. Off shoring may lose management control of business and it may no longer be able to control operations and deliverables. In Off shoring, if that foreign country does not have proper product processes, the quality may be bad and it might affect the company business in market. Source Company will lose jobs as it does not require many numbers of resources as they hire in other countries. It will lead to local unemployment and political pressure. We recently have seen lots of places these kinds of issues where local people fight for their jobs and demand for cutting offshore processes. In some firms, there are so many legal issues in off shoring process and there are so many hidden costs that may lead to company loss in long run. There is another issue about communication when off shoring relationship is with completely different culture nations. Support of off shoring Off shoring can be acknowledged that its success comes with some pain, though it may have job cuts but, organizations that take a planned approach to off shoring succeed in managing this situation. The greatest advantage of off shoring is the cost advantage, which affects the companys success. Any savings in operating costs will help toward the companys financial status and growth. Companies in recession may sustain themselves and grow through innovation. By lowering its operating costs they will have more money to invest in innovation and technology which results in a domestic workforce. Success Story of off shoring The best example of a company that has cost savings by off shoring to India is General Electric (GE). After off shoring its business process operations to India, it found a reduction of 25% percent on its labor cost. This decision made them to gain 150% in the earnings. There is a big difference in the labor costs in US/Europe and India in the IT industry as well. A software professional with 1-2 years of experience in the US and Europe charges USD 60,000 to 80,000 per year. On the other hand, a professional with same experience level costs about USD 10,000 per year in India, about 11 to 16 percent of that in the US and Europe.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

menopause Essay -- essays research papers

 ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Menopause is the time in a woman’s life when the function of the ovaries ceases. The ovary, or female gonad, is one of a pair of reproductive glands in women.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The process of menopause does not occur overnight, but rather is a gradual process. This so-called perimenopausal transition period is a different experience for each woman.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The average age of menopause onset is 51 years old. There is no single method to predict when a woman will experience menopause.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The age at which a woman starts having menstrual periods is not related to the age of menopause onset.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A women is in menopause when she has had no menstrual periods (menses) for 12 months and has no other medical reason for her menses to stop.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Symptoms of menopause can be divided into early and late onset symptoms. Early symptoms include abnormal vaginal bleeding, hot flashes, and mood changes. Late symptoms include vaginal dryness and irritation, osteoporosis, and heart disease.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Treatments for menopause are directed toward alleviating the symptoms present in the particular woman affected. *What is menopause? Menopause is the time in a woman’s life when the function of the ovaries ceases. The ovary, or female gonad, is one of a pair of reproductive glands in women. They are located in the pelvis, one on each side of the uterus. Each ovary is about the size and shape of an almond. The ovaries produce eggs (ova) and female hormones. During each monthly menstrual cycle, an egg is released from one ovary. The egg travels from the ovary through a fallopian tube to the uterus. The ovaries are the main source of female hormones, which control the development of female body characteristics such as the breasts, body shape, and body hair. The hormones also regulate the menstrual cycle and pregnancy. The process of menopause does not occur overnight, but rather is a gradual process. This so-called perimenopausal transition period is a different experience for each woman. Scientists are still determining all the factors that affect when this transition begins and the details of how it occurs. The average age of menopause is 51 years old. Although women tend to undergo menopause at an age simil... .... HTML1DocumentEncodingutf-8What is menopause? When does a woman know she is in menopause? Are hormone levels or other blood tests helpful in detecting menopause? What are the symptoms of menopause?  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hot Flashes  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mood Symptoms  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Vaginal Symptoms  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Osteoporosis  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Heart disease What are the treatment options for menopause?  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hot Flashes  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mood Symptoms  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Vaginal Symptoms  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Osteoporosis  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Heart Disease

Monday, November 11, 2019

An Analysis on Alfred Hitchcock and His Film Psycho Essay

In the â€Å"shower scene† in Alfred Hitchcock’s movie, the amount of blood that flowed can be considered in contemporary times as nothing short of artistry or a sense of tastefulness in the viewer’s understanding. However, during the 1960’s, the â€Å"shower scene† is considered unreasonable or gratuitous, giving the scene the impression that it depicts too much unsolicited violence. For those who look upon the â€Å"shower scene† as one of Hitchcock’s attempt of revolutionizing films, the scene can be treated as one that reflects the perception of the time in which the film was conceived. Apparently, the â€Å"shower scene† amongst the number of hair-raising scenes in the film further reflects the 1960s social upheaval that grew in the west, including the United States. Another violent scene in the movie is the one that showed Detective Milton Arbogast being slashed to a bloody death after he was pushed off from the height of the stairs. The murder of the private detective in the movie Psycho, as well as the â€Å"shower scene†, can be taken to mean as two of the social upheavals that burst in the 1960s American society, revolutionizing the way in which movie scenes are crafted especially the way in which they portray violence, sexuality, and language. Hitchcock generally worked and directed movies that fall under the thriller genre by imprinting upon formulaic movies his famed idiosyncratic touches. The manner in which Hitchcock worked as a crucial part of the filmmaking process largely contributed in â€Å"propelling him to the status of an auteur†. Hitchcock even â€Å"ordered and manipulated the shade of blonde he was looking for in Grace Kelly’s hair† in one of the films (Martin & Wikstrom, 2001, p. 20). What enabled Hitchcock to â€Å"cut in the camera† is his attitude of working out the details of the film in advance, which eventually corresponds to the unswervingly stumpy ratio of film really utilized in the finishing cut to the film shot during the entire shoot. Having worked out everything in advance, he worked quickly and economically. A minimal set of editing was the result of his working attitude, hence the term â€Å"cutting in the camera. † The fact that Hitchcock planned every detail in advance oftentimes led to bore him during the actual shooting of the film. To fend off languor in the course of the actual filming progression, he would customarily commence labor on the storyboards for his coming film project (Martin & Wikstrom, 2001, p. 21). â€Å"When all the interesting film-makers—those who were referred to as â€Å"auteurs† by the Cahiers du Cinema in 1955, before the term was distorted—concealed themselves behind various characters in their movies. Alfred Hitchcock achieved a real tour de force† that established his status further as an auteur (Ray, 2001, p. 38). Hitchcock’s most popular films include Vertigo, Psycho, Rear Window, and The Birds which reflected his story telling methods and skills which were renowned for their witty plots, intelligent dialogues and the fusion of mystery and murder. With this respect, Hitchcock’s name became commonly attributed to the thriller genre as he created revolutions in that aspect of filmmaking. Part of the reason to this, apart from the fact that it was the genre he centrally focused on, is his skill which he exhibits during the course of the film which can be observed in his treatment of the subject in line with the shots he utilizes and on how he is able to fuse them altogether (Truffaut & Scott, 2003, p. 346). One illustration to this is shown in one of his famed screen moments. The terrifying shower scene in the film Psycho featured 70 unique shots in just a matter of 1 minute. The numbers of shots were combined altogether in such a manner that one will find a difficult time seeking the distinction between the montage and the mise-en-scene (Nickens, 1995, p. 110). A considerable number of movies made by Hitchcock contained fleeting cameo appearances by the director himself such as a Hitchcock being seen for a brief period boarding a bus, standing in an apartment across the length of a courtyard, appearing in photographs in the scenes, or by simply crossing in front of an edifice. This seemingly playful act eventually became labeled as one of the Hitchcock signatures in films. Further, Hitchcock himself would carry a musical instrument in one of the scenes in the film as a recurring theme (Martin & Wikstrom, 2001, p. 23). The fact that these varied elements are included in the movies of Hitchcock signifies the fact that Hitchcock had a very huge role in the filmmaking process and that this monumental role extends his personality right into the theme of the movie. Since film producers have a significant trust on Hitchcock, he was able to freely include these elements either in a subtle or in an obvious manner. The constant inclusion of these personal elements in the many movies of Hitchcock eventually molded an image uniquely his own. Hence, it became inevitable that the movies highlighting these elements were immediately attributed to Hitchcock thereby creating the director-image of Hitchcock as an auteur (Sarris, 2002, p. 29). Considering all of the characteristics of Hitchcock, his crucial role in the movies he created, the inclusion of the elements in the movies which reflect his personality and lifestyle as well as the role of the scholars in carefully assessing his impact of his personal touches in the movies, it can be said that Hitchcock indeed is an auteur in the strictest sense of the word. Although arguments can be raised against the role of the director as an auteur in the filming of the movies, it remains a fact that Hitchcock had an immense weight of participation prior to, during , and even after the filmmaking process. Part of the arguments against it is the claim that several other factors must also be considered and the merit should not solely belong to the director. As with the case of the seemingly lesser roles in the movies, the collective efforts of all the participants excluding the participation of the director when combined altogether essentially posits a substantial bearing in the creation of the film. In conclusion, the factors which are attributed to the delegation of the status of an auteur to Hitchcock should not be looked upon as a means to ignore the relative importance of the role of the rest of the crew involved in film production. Rather, the role of Hitchcock as an auteur should be noted as a form of a proper authority in guiding the direction of the film. On the other hand, the distinction between an auteur and the other roles in the film production should be taken as an informal relationship which defines the structure of the outcome of the movie. This is the point where Hitchcock himself leads the way not only as a director but also as the auteur. Not surprisingly, Alfred Hitchcock techniques are indeed innovative during his life where a considerable number of his films manifested his ingenuity in the film industry. Especially in his film Psycho, Hitchcock’s style in directing the film is manifested through his fitting use of musical scores and backgrounds in the proper timing and scene. His approach in Psycho manifest the fact that Hitchcock is only one of the few who was able to reshape the film industry and contribute significantly to its quality and style. References Martin, G. , & Wikstrom, P. (2001). Alfred Hitchcock and the Golden Days of Radio. In The Alfred Hitchcock Presents Companion (1st ed. , pp. 20-23): O T R Pub. Nickens, C. (1995).Psycho: Behind the Scenes of the Classic Thriller (1st ed. ): Harmony. Ray, R. B. (2001). The Bordwell Regime and the Stakes of Knowledge. In How a Film Theory Got Lost and Other Mysteries in Cultural Studies (pp. 38-39). Indiana: Indiana University Press. Sarris, A. (2002). The Auteur Theory Revisited. In V. W. Wexman (Ed. ), Film and Authorship (pp. 27-29). New Jersey: Rutgers University Press. Truffaut, F. , & Scott, H. Hitchcock’s Final Years. In 2003 (Ed. ), The Definitive Study of Alfred Hitchcock (Revised ed. , pp. 346). New York: Gallimard.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Psychoanalytic Critique on the Black Swan

How does the main character deal with her id ego and superego? Which part of the subconscious seems to dominate? I believe Ninas Id is the dominant because she constantly in the movie is doing what she can to satisfy what she wants she does what she’s told to do to get it and be able to do it correctly. How does the relationship she has with other people? Does there seem to be a childhood trauma or a childhood experience that has occurred?She isn’t really able to have relationships with other people she doesn’t even have a good relationship with her mom I feel like she’s still some sort of child on the inside like a teen rebelling. I think this is probably because she didn’t really communicate with her mom as a child or have a dad around. What in the protagonist’s past has triggered her to be the way she is in her relationships now? I think Nina was probably isolated as a child that’s why she doesn’t really have that many relati onships as an adult.She still lives with her mom, which shows she doesn’t really know how to deal with regular daily things on her own. What does the protagonist dream about? What is the first thing she thinks about when she wakes up? What does this tell us about her? She had a sexual dream where she was receiving from lily. She believed it actually happened until lily tells her she left right after and didn’t stay the night. I think this shows that she was receiving love in a different way then she receives it from her mom since she doest really have any relationships like a boyfriend and friendships.What core issues does the character have and where do you think they come from? I think these issues come from her childhood she obviously grew up without a dad and her mom shows how overprotecting she is with her. She does have a habit of scratching herself when something seems to overwhelm her. What are the fears of our protagonist and why? The fears Nina has are not be ing perfect and not playing the role she was given. And she fought for. She always wanted everything perfect.I think she’s probably scared of herself as well since she scratches her self without realizing it most of the times. What are her desires and how do they affect her subconscious? I think her desires are to be the best at ballet and being the swan queen she wants to finish on top beating everyone else. Well throughout the movie this was what she wanted and she didn’t want lily to take that from her mainly. Which she thought was better and maybe she wanted to be more like lily since she saw how carefree she was unlike her.How does the characters sexuality affect how people view her and why? Since Nina was a virgin she was viewed as innocent the goody goody ballerina. After her sexual dream I viewed her a little different as in she wanted to receive love in a different way then her mom she wanted to maybe break out of the shell she was in. What types of defense me chanisms do they use and what are they trying to repress? She constantly has to cut her nails because she scratches herself I think she uses this as a defense mechanism to avoid having herself having to deal with the other problems around her.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

How To Write A 5-Page Essay In One Day

How To Write A 5-Page Essay In One Day Five Page Essay in 24 hours, step by step At some point in your academic life, homework catches up with you, and you find that you have procrastinated doing the work up the very last day. Upon realizing that you can no longer afford to postpone it, you have to get your hands dirty to finish the work in a single day. Writing a 5-page essay within a day is a daunting task. It is possible to put down an interesting and top quality essay in less than 24 hours if you understand how to work it out. This article offers insightful tips on how you can write an essay in less than a day. 1. Plan To adequately prepare fully for the task ahead, plan how you will spend your day. Slot in each activity you need to do for the day besides writing the 5-page essay. i.e. Shower and eat to our satisfaction. Prepare a miniature timetable for the day, but allocate more time to writing the essay. Request for privacy from our siblings, roommates or parents. Slot in short breaks amidst doing your work. Failing to plan only quickens the already looming deadline. 2. Set up your working station A working environment plays a critical role in writing an essay. A noisy, dirty room reduces productivity and performance. It is wise to clean and neatly arrange everything in the room, or better yet, find such a room. If working from your bedroom, request not to be disturbed and remove any distractions that could steal your attention and shift focus from writing the essay. Such distractions include games, electronics like TV, PlayStation, phones, etc. Assemble all materials you need for the essay on the table. Use a comfortable chair and adjust proper lighting. The uncomfortable seat that strains your back and dim lighting that strains your eyes is the last thing that you would need for your job. Ensure the room is very quiet or has slow classical music playing in the background softly. 3. Choose your topic Choose your topic wisely and the one you are most comfortable with, and you have extensive knowledge about it. Articulate each sentence and word to bring out the intended meaning. Choose an appropriate topic and word it in a clear, simple way. If your course instructor chose the topic for you, read and reread the instructions to understand fully what the essay requires from you. 4. Draw an outline The outline is an important piece that can help a student to organize and create a logical view of ideas throughout the essay. The outline shows how each idea, topic or subtopic connect with each other. The author uses the outline to avoid including irrelevant information into the essay. It also guides you through the research to write your essay. The outline also sets the scope the essay is supposed to cover. 5. Research Conduct an in-depth research into your topic. The outline must guide research, and you should make notes while going through the sources. Make a list of the sources and include them in your bibliographic record for your job. The internet can be a rich source of the internet though you must be very careful since no one is on the internet is credible and accurate. Synthesize the information collected through research to prepare a rough draft that can later be tuned to become the final essay. The draft helps to organize the content of the essay to flow coherently and logically. 6. Write the essay The actual writing of the perfect essay must start with a good, interesting introductory paragraph. The introductory paragraph has to contain a well-crafted thesis statement that captures the attention of the reader. Ensure there is a smooth transition to the subsequent paragraphs. A 5-page essay has many body paragraphs, and they all should contain different ideas. Each of the body paragraphs has to start with a hook in the first or second paragraph. Several support sentences should follow the hook. The body paragraphs contain most of the information about the topic, and they should be worded carefully to present the content in a clear, unambiguous and simple way. Ensure you cite properly all sources used in the essay and include a ‘work cited’ page at the end of the essay. The conclusion paragraph should also be included. Rewriting the introduction can form a good conclusion to essay. Reassert the thesis statement in the conclusion paragraph and end with an interesting statement. 7. Editing to perfection After writing it is important to go through your essay to correct your mistakes. Ensure each sentence and paragraph communicates the message you intended them to communicate. Check for grammatical mistakes, punctuation, spellings, mechanical errors, etc. You can also reach out to your friends or family to edit the document to perfection. Parents or older siblings can also help to improve the vocabulary of the essay. Finally, format the document according to the course instructor’s guidelines. Crosscheck the essay requirements against the grading rubric and make necessary adjustments if any. Concisely, though it is a discouraging task to complete a 5-page essay, using the aforementioned tips and guidelines can demystify and ease the effort on how to write a 5-page essay in one day. However, this article doesn’t encourage homework procrastination, but however, it features skills that could save your grade in less than a day.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019


BALABOUMUTOMBO V SWITZERLAND Disclaimer: This work has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work produced by our Law Essay Writing Service . You can view samples of our professional work here . BALABOUMUTOMBO V SWITZERLAND CONSISTENT TENSE!!!!!!; the court Facts The Applicant, BalabouMatombo, was a Zairian citizen born in 1961. Heclaimed to have been a member of the Zairian Armed Forces since 1982. In 1988, in response to feelings of discrimination based on his Luba ethnicity, the Applicant secretly joined a political movement Union pour la dà ©mocratieet le progrà ¨s social (UDPS), of which his father was allegedly also a member.The Applicant attended several illegal meetings and demonstrations organized by UDPS. On 20 June 1989, the Applicant was arrested by three members of the Division Spà ©cialePrà ©sidentielle while delivering a letter from his father to a founding member and leader of UDPS named Mr. Etienne Tshisekedi.The Applicant was detained in a military establishment and locked in a one square metre cell, where he was subjected to electric shocks, beaten with a rifle, and his testicles were bruised until he lost consciousness. This torture continued for fou r days. On 24 June 1989, the Applicant was brought before a military tribunal, found guilty of conspiracy against the State and sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment.He was transferred to a military prison, where he was detained for seven months without receiving medical attention for serious injuries sustained in his interrogation prior to the tribunal hearing. Hewas released on 20 January 1990 under the condition that he presented himself twice a week at the Auditoratmilitaire of Mantete. He sought medical treatment in February 1990 for his eye injury at the General Hospital Mama Yemo. For fear of further injury, and of exposing other members of the UDPSto threats of similar treatment from the Government by virtue of their contact with him, the Applicant left Zaire for Angola, leaving his family, including two children. He stayed in Angola for three months with a friend.The Applicantlater left Angola for Italy, where he arrived on 29 July 1990 using a friend’s passport . On 7 August 1990, the Applicant illegally crossed the border to enter Switzerland.On 8 August 1990, he applied for recognition in Switzerland as a refugee. Hesoon learned that his father had been detained after his departure. The Applicant was heard by the Cantonal Office for Asylum Seekers at Lausanne on 10 October 1990. He presented medical documents from Swiss medical practitioners indicating that the injuries he had corresponded with the alleged torture sustained in June 1989. The Federal Refugee Office (Office fà ©dà ©ral des rà ©fugià ©s) rejected the Applicant’s application for asylum on 31 January 1992,and he was instructed to leave Switzerland.This decision was subsequently appealed a number of times on the ground that the authorities had not sufficiently taken into account essential documents, such as a report of Amnesty International and medical reports. The appeals were rejected. The rejection of the application was based partly on the following: it was unli kely that the Applicant had been imprisoned at a military prison for political reasons. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), which had visited the prison in November 1989, had stated that he apparently did not belong to the category of prisoners which fell under the mandate of ICRC that being prisoners of war and interned civilians, and â€Å"security† or â€Å"political† detainees; and

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The Impacts of Sequestration on the Department of Defense Research Paper

The Impacts of Sequestration on the Department of Defense - Research Paper Example Reductions of federal funding across the boards, also known as sequestrations have had a considerable impact on the fiscal years prior to, and during 2014. It not only reduced optional operations, but also cut down on the direct spending of the federal budget (Epstein, 2013). This has led to widespread concerns about the Department of Defense’s personnel, reallocation budget, customer’s service and other such details. The federal budget cuts affected the Department of Defense Human Resources Management in several important ways. The former level of readiness, although sustained, has experienced an irrecoverable deficit due to a decade of counterinsurgency operations (Roulo, 2014). According to the Department of Defense website, the current President Budget promises to restore the equilibrium between readiness and planned force structure. The Budget Control Act (BCA) of 2011 encumbers this shift to the mission of Department of Defense. This is due to the fact that the reduced funding levels have decreased not only the number of trained personnel, but also hampered the maintenance of ground vehicle and aviation. Furthermore, the flying hours of Navy and Marine Corps are to be decreased, which would also result in decreasing the levels of their readiness (Estimated Impacts of Sequestration-Level Funding, 2014). Such are the impacts of sequestration that there has been a radical expected drawdown to 450,000 active soldiers, 335,000 in the Army National Guard and 202,000 reservists by the end of 2015 fiscal year. (Roulo,2014) These reductions will further lead to the Department of Defense relying more on National Guard. The Army personnel and readiness are perhaps facing the greatest drawback as almost 70 percent of the total cut-downs are facing in its direction. The Army, for instance cancelled seven combat training sessions and skilled personnel was lost due to frozen salaries (Roulo, 2014). This reiterates the Department of Defense concern about

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Subjetivity Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Subjetivity - Personal Statement Example The situation from my perspective is that the student feels that he is doing the wrong thing practicing truancy. Therefore, he torn between two options, whether to run away or got back to class. After weighing the two options, the student feels that he is being unfair to himself by running away. The punishment he may have to do away with when the teacher finds about the situation or even his parents may can be severe. Therefore, the student decides to go back to class, join the others, and continue learning. The factor that influences subjective experiences in the first case is personal consideration. However, in judging from another person’s perspective in the second case, it is clear that personal opinion about what may be a reality plays a fundamental role. According to Solomon & Barney (2008), perspectives differ from one person to another. Therefore, from the experience, judgmental views depend on the conscience of a person at the time of making

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Effictive team and performance management Essay

Effictive team and performance management - Essay Example Challenges such as unsuccessful problem solving, non-functioning team diversities and most common, motivation among the team members are inevitable in a team (Keyes, 2004; p. 1282). In this group, group problems were tackled and embraced accordingly by all responsible team members. A leader or a manager must moderate problem solving. In this respect, the team decided anonymously that I should be their leader. In the entire exercise, the team passed through all phases of team formation inclusive of forming, norming and storming phases (Tuckman, 1965; p. 385). Being a leader is never an easy experience. It becomes even more difficult when one is dealing with a dynamic group. Therefore, I had to use my interpersonal skills such creativity, flexibility, passion and self-competence as put forward by Goleman (2002; p. 251). Concerning passion, I had a feeling that emotional intelligence was instrumental in uniting the team members towards our mission. Concurrently, there are areas where I felt I lacked the necessary knowledge to offer guidance to the team. Hence, I learnt admitting the lack of knowledge or expertise was very significant. Some of the skills I thought I did not possess at all came handy to my surprise. For example, timely arrival and staying patient to the end of a discussion was fundamental during the field exercise. I have known by friends as a poor listener but my team experience gave me a limelight to be the best and active listener. Though there were members who felt they were entitled to dominate the discussion, I was quite equipped in this area. First, I studied their personality and eventually learnt ways of managing them. In fact according to Richard & Lynn (2007; p. 187), studying every group member within the shortest time possible is very essential. Following my experience in this group, I learnt that working towards building trust among team members was significant in managing the group. Taking responsibility for actions is vital in buildi ng trust among the members. To err is human and mistakes committed must be admitted to ensure an amicable solution is achieved. I learnt member’s involvement in different tasks was significant in achieving a formidable solution to the tasks. Likewise, allowing the group to make rules during the lifetime of the group is also very important (Monge & Contractor, 2003; p. 57). In this manner, the group will not feel dictated upon when certain decisions concerning them are to be made. At the time of making the rules, expectations of every team member must be noted with transparency it requires. In addition, it came to my grasp that my expectations of the team members were to be made clear to help build a cohesive team. Most importantly, I felt it was important for my connection with the group. Satisfying the group’s self-interest was a major force in creating strong interpersonal relationships (Laura, 2008; p. 387). I had an obligation to empathize with certain emotional is sues experienced by some of the group members. Ignoring some of the issues, which one may term as ‘petty’, was no constructive at all. Behaving in this manner was liable to the downfall of the team and the whole mission. Driving the mission to success must be the ultimate goal. However, a mission cannot be driven to success when other members are completely lost from the group. I was aware that every member had a right to express his or her plight during

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Elements Of Autobiography In Martin Eden By Jack London

Elements Of Autobiography In Martin Eden By Jack London In Londons literary ingenuity, Mark Eden is staged in such a way that it is widely considered a living autobiography for Jack London himself from the resemblance of the various themes and postulates in the book with the authors own perspectives during his life; in fact, so close to Londons perspectives in life are the issues discussed in the book that even the tragic end of Mark Eden taking his own life has been justifiably been surmised to be a foreshadow Jack Londons own death. The Elements of autobiography in Martin Eden by Jack London Martin Eden is a 1909 novel by a once renowned American author who was called Jack London that details a story of a young man that struggles for recognition among the literary elite of his time. In his life and times, social stereotypes and cultural biases abhor interactions between the poor and the bourgeoning rich class which forms one of the struggles that young Martin fights especially considering that he is in love with Roth Morse; a young bourgeois woman from a well off family. This work is a novel creation of superb work of a real literary craftsman which addresses the normal issues of young struggling writers explaining the challenges that they face daily with the publishing of their work. In Londons literary ingenuity, Mark Eden is staged in such a way that it is widely considered a living autobiography for Jack London himself from the resemblance of the various themes and postulates in the book with the authors own perspectives during his life; in fact, so close to Londons perspectives in life are the issues discussed in the book that even the tragic end of Mark Eden taking his own life has been justifiably been surmised to be a foreshadow Jack Londons own death. This essay looks at the book, Mark Eden, with the view of explaining the plot of the book in an attempt of determining how the authors life is reflected in the book. The essay also looks at the various themes discussed in the book and compares them with the ideological views that the author held in his lifetime. In addition to this, the essay also sets out to determine whether there is anything autobiographical about the book in reference to its authors life. These aims will be attained by drawing quotes and inferences from the book to justify postulates and authenticate presuppositions made in this regard. Further corroborative remarks will also be used from different authorities and literature about the same topic to reinforce the credibility of the findings and conclusions herein. This book is a pet favourite among upcoming writers who have faced the reality of the hardship that surrounds publishing their literary works of art. It is a story of a young and courageous Martin Eden who through his determination struggles through self-education in the early 20th century to edge a living for himself and subsequently achieve a footing at the helm of the literary elite of the time. As the story unfolds, it becomes clear thatEdens impetus towards hard work and desire of edging a name for himself among the societal elite is Ruth Morses love. Social stereotypes and societal norms fragrantly denyEden any chance of enjoying a union with Ruth since they are from two different social classes:Eden is from the lower working class of sailors while Ruth is from the higher bourgeois class. For Eden to move himself slightly towards attainment of any of his dreams of happily living with Ruth and earning an honourable living therefore, he must establish himself as a writer which is his life-long dream hence the passionate attempts at having his work published. This is the first place that Martin Eden closely reflects the life of Jack London. The skepticism with which Martin Eden views the publishing houses and publishers is the same cynicism thatLondon viewed publishers with during his formative years as a struggling writer. In effect, there is probably no better way of fully capturing the defiant cynicism thatLondon had in this regard than usingEdens own words: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦he [Eden] speculated that there was no human being in form of an editor to receive his manuscripts when he sent them but rather there was a an smart arrangement of cogs which automatically changed any manuscripts they received from this envelope to another attaching stamps to them then returning them to the sender(s) with a kindly written rejection slip (Berman 67). Edens wars continue but as is the case with all non-quitters, his day of laughter dawns but unfortunately it comes too late soon after his life-long love, Ruth Morse has given up on waiting for him to hit the right button of prosperity. In her impatience, she retorts in frustration to Edenthat à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦had you only settled down in life and attempted to make something for yourself in lifeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ I would have had reason to hope for the maturity of my love for you (Berman 38). There are authorities who have surmised quite justifiably that the character of Ruth Morse is modeled on Jack Londons first love, Mabel Applegarth who continually rejected Londonfor his apparent failure in life as a young writer (Campbell 145). In this regard also therefore, there is a direct inference from Londons life that is closely associated with Martin Eden making the argument that the book has autobiographical inclinations as plausible as it is justifiable. This notwithstanding, there are substantial differences in the story that do not rhyme at all withLondons convictions during his time. Such an example is the issue of socialism versus individualism as portrayed in the book. From the book,Edenrejects socialism repugnantly considering it slavery and instead hails individualism based on Nietzschean ideology. On the other hand, London is on record to have written to Upton Sinclair discrediting individualism and in his correspondence is quoted to have said that à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦one of my greatest motifs in the book was to ingeniously attack individualism which I reckon I miserably bungled since not even one single reviewer of this book has ever discovered that (London 23). The book ends tragically inEdentaking his own life by drowning himself in water. This came at his best moments when he had attained recognition and his writing had been widely acclaimed which would have implied that he should have gotten the highest satisfaction given that such success is what he craved for in life. As it downed on him, societal gears just swung the other way when he had reached what he had all along considered the zenith of his literary acumen since it downed on him that not even his immense success as a writer would earn him the societal acceptance among the nobility and upper social class. There was always an aurora of discontent and despise from his contemporary artists from the higher social class, something that madly piquedEdenoff. It is this continued disrespect that eventually lured him into taking his own life (London58). In a word, events surrounding Jack Londons death have been closely associated with suicide after Edens manner thereby making the book obnoxiously futuristic pointing to the authors own death (London69). At the age of 33 when London had already attained fame and international acclaim with his previous work of literature (such as White Fang and The Call of the Wild), he quickly got bored with the bourgeoning fame and set out to sail throughout the entire of the Southern Pacific. It was on this voyage that London wrote the book, Martin Eden when he was struggling with lifes frustrations and some bowel illness to which he is thought to have succumbed. In the book,London reiterated his adolescent gangfights, artistic recognition, frustrations and romantic struggles that characterized his humble life. In summary, Martin Eden is a book that is widely considered an autobiography forLondongiven the many futuristic antidotes that it hints which are directly linkable to Jack Londons life. The many struggles in the book inEdens youth hood have direct resemblance with the many struggles thatLondonfought against in his own youth hood further making the book widely autobiographical. Inasmuch as there are some minor differences in the ideological statements made in the book and Londons own perceptions (such as individualism and socialism), it is commonplace for literary forms and therefore does not overtly cloud the pontification of the book as a being autobiographical in nature. It is in this view that Martin Eden is favoured herein as being autobiographical in its entirety. References Berman, P. Introduction to Martin Eden: xv.New York: Random House, 2002. London, Joan. Jack London and His times: An Unconventional Biography.New York: Doubleday. Doran, 1939 p.23 Campbell, Reesman. Prospects for the Study of Jack London Resources for American Literary Study. @Sunsite.Berkeley. Edu, 2001, 145. London, Jack. Martin Eden [M].Beijing Foreign Language Teaching Research Press, 1992.

Friday, October 25, 2019

A Reality In Fiction Essays -- essays research papers

In A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens contrasts the Manettes’ life during the French Revolution in both London and Paris. The story follows them throughout the trials of the Reign of Terror in Paris, to the safety and security of London. He also compares the cities themselves, one being overrun with poverty and oppression, and the other being safe and economically sound. He shows the differences in the quality of life in both cities, while developing a love story in which the lives of the characters are twisted within the French Revolution. In France before the revolution, many changes had been made to help the country, but the Deficit of Revenue was not one of them. Many of the aristocrats and clergy were exempt from paying taxes, yet the poorer citizens were taxed heavily to make up for it (Carlyle vii). Louis XIV gave the upper class special power and privileges and ultimately caused France to weaken (Wright 31). Soon the common people were poor and starving. France had been suffering inflation for years; therefore, the government tried to tax the upper classes, but they refused to pay since they had been exempt for so long. Soon after, France endured many hardships, including drought and famine, and France became even poorer (Wright 31). In order to reform the financial status of France, Louis summoned the Etates-Generaux, who had not met since 1614. The Etates-Genereaux, or the General States, was a representative assembly that dealt with the matters of the state. It was made up of three groups: the church, the ari stocracy, and the remaining ninety five percent of the population (Wright 33). On July 14, 1789, the French Revolution officially began by the storming of the Bastille. The reason the Bastille was attacked was because it was seen as a symbol of the King’s power (Wright 34). This led to ten years of attacks made upon the privileged because of the abuses the common people felt from the ruling classes. Soon after the Bastille was taken, many other outbursts and riots occurred in France. Many aristocrats’ chateaux were burned, and this era of violence became known as The Great Fear (Wright 33). Many aristocrats and clergy fled the country in fear of being beheaded (Wright 34). Louis was put on trial as a traitor and was executed on January 21, 1793. Many people led revolts and provided the revolutionary ideas that the upper classes feared... ... but his future was clearly in England with his daughter and son-in-law (Kiran-Raw). The harsh conditions of Paris in the story were extremely realistic compared to the actual revolution. The people of Paris were starved and worked to death. They had to work more than they should have had just to pay what the government taxed them. However, in the story, all the revolutionaries were more violent than some of the real revolutionaries. Although there were violent ones, others were also people that had revolutionary ideas and views that could have helped the situation. Those people ended the true revolution.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A Tale of Two Cities is undoubtedly a realistic, yet fictional account of the French Revolution. Dickens compares and contrasts the lives and events of both London and Paris in a very accurate manner. His intentions of writing to enlighten people of the history of the revolution were successful, while also extremely entertaining. Although it has been thought that Dickens created the characters out of people he actually was associated with, they fit the story properly. The story truly digs into the heart of the revolution and the people it affected.