Monday, February 17, 2020

Strategy, Policy and Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Strategy, Policy and Law - Essay Example In last year November, President Obama placed an executive order that cautioned more than 4 million illegal immigrants from deportation. In addition, the order gave them the right to work in the US as long as they have children who are citizens. The order also extended the Obama’s 2012 DACA program that gave temporary work permits and legal status to undocumented immigrants who came to the US as children (Leinwand & Kelly, 2015). According to a Fugate, a FEMA administrator, the standoff over the funding is derailing the operation of DHS’s agencies. DHS might be shut down if there will be no budget in place before the February 27 deadline. An agency such as FEMA will halt its grants program that aids local governments and states pay for emergency programs and operations personnel. DHS might also be forced to lay off some of its employees in the same way it did in October 2013. If that happens, some of the crucial services people get will come to an end. The country will be at a compromised position to provide proof against external aggression (Leinwand & Kelly, 2015). Leinwand, D., & Kelly, E. (2015, February 6). Fugate: FEMA mission compromised by fight over budget. Retrieved February 11, 2015, from

Monday, February 3, 2020

Maximizing Assessment Practice through Domains, Technology, and Assignment

Maximizing Assessment Practice through Domains, Technology, and Partnerships - Assignment Example From this paper it is clear that the domain also includes the non-verbal communication skills. The language skills developed by children help them express themselves as well as understand other people as they interact with them. In the assessment of the social skills of a learner, the teacher studies how the children view themselves in relation to others. In this assessment, the teacher studies how the child relates to their peers and adults in their environment. This may involve how well they form friendships, behave and fair on as part of a team, the development of their individuality and how they act in response to the feelings of other people. This study discusses that the way children relate to others is a reflection of how they view themselves. As children develop a healthy self-esteem, they develop meaningful social relationships with others. As a teacher, it is necessary to determine how well a learner can do things for themselves. It breeds a form of independence that is nec essary for the development of a child. This involves testing some basic skills such as using the toilet, eating, how well the child can clean themselves among others. Children learn some level of independence if they are left to do some basic things by themselves. This independence is important for the children as they grow towards adulthood. This is a domain of learning that is related to how well a child can coordinate their body parts to do something meaningful. This involves crawling, walking and running.