Tuesday, December 24, 2019

A Discussion On Alcoholics Anonymous - 987 Words

Alcoholics Anonymous is one of the most widely known and used 12 step groups, it was found in 1935 by two men who wanted to share and support those who wanted to become sober. Currently I am in California so I had to search for a meeting here and I was able to find a 12 step meeting at a local church that took place in the morning. My thoughts before the meeting were interested as well as nervous. I never went to one of these meetings nor do I know what one is about. Im not to sure what AA entails so I was interested in learning about it. Currently my boyfriends father is a recovering alcoholic so going to this made me think of him and I believe may help me understand him, his thought, and his feelings a little better. Before the meeting I began to read that AA does not discriminate including to those with other addictions, but closed meetings are specifically for those battling addicting to alcohol (Capuzzi Stauffer, 2012). When I arrived they had coffee and refreshments open to an yone which i found thoughtful and a good way to get people talking. I saw mainly people with families there who seemed to be going for support. I was still a little apprehensive going by myself as a student and at the time did not feel open to sharing. A man came to the front and stated he is the speaker for this meeting and welcomed us to an open meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous. The meeting began with a moment of silence for those who are sick and a prayer. After the prayer the speaker spokeShow MoreRelatedAn Open Discussion Meeting Of Alcoholic s Anonymous At Boone s Own Club 121280 Words   |  6 PagesI spent the early evening this past Friday at an open discussion meeting of Alcoholic’s Anonymous at Boone’s own Club 12 establishment. I attended this meeting as an able-bodied young woman capable of hearing and seeing the happenings around me. 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I choose to live a soberRead MoreAlcoholics Anonymous : A Anonymous865 Words   |  4 PagesAttending an Alcoholic Anonymous Meeting Alcoholics Anonymous was founded in the basis that alcoholism cannot be healed medically, but spiritually. Alcoholics Anonymous was founded in 1939 by Bill Wilson, and Dr. Robert Smith (B’s, n.d.). The main goal of Alcoholics Anonymous is recovery from alcoholism, and to fully abstain from consuming alcohol. Several non-stated goals are staying out of jail, fixing a financial situation, or becoming happier (Trizio, 2006). After attending in a meeting forRead MoreMeeting : Buckeye Easy Dose It1112 Words   |  5 Pages12-Step Meeting: Buckeye Easy Dose It Alcoholics Anonymous can help individuals struggling with substance abuse. Low self-esteem in a person has been implicated in the development of alcohol use disorder, and relapse (Donovan, Ingalsbe, Benbow, Daley, 2013). 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One major organization that has been created to help individuals who have become dependent on alcohol is Alcohol ics Anonymous; this organization has become the best treatment for people that suffer from Alcoholism however similar to many other programs it also has its disadvantages as well. Alcoholics AnonymousRead MoreA Study On Alcoholics Anonymous Essay1459 Words   |  6 PagesAlcoholics Anonymous has held an almost sacred spot in our society as the way for addicts to get sober through spiritual means, with many people having anecdotal stories and experiences corroborating this belief. To full examine the ethicality of AA, an in depth look at AA is required. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Statement of Purpose/ Personal Statement Free Essays

The world’s economies are facing many challenges and there is an urgent need for quick, effective solutions to address these never-ending issues in order to safeguard the lives of billions of people whose lives depend on it. Therefore, choosing economics does not come as a surprise given that; for the past seven years I have ensured and built a solid career in accounting which will definitely be applicable in the course. I have grasped the way the accounting system works, how numbers play a big role in the business world and how this figures impact on an individuals or country’s economy. We will write a custom essay sample on Statement of Purpose/ Personal Statement or any similar topic only for you Order Now I have chosen to further my education at University of Wyoming undertaking a doctorate in economics because I feel confident that this course will greatly benefit me, it is more than a stepping stone in the advancement of my career and I know my personal qualities of being a hard worker, very resourceful and a great team player can be productively applied. My academic qualifications as seen in my transcripts show that I am passionate when it comes to my studies and always work towards achieving good grades. I attended King Faisal University in Saudi Arabia (2001-2005) where I successfully graduated with a Bachelors Degree in Accounting. In 2007, I enrolled at Johnson and Wales University, USA where I am currently pursuing my Masters in Business Administration specifically in Global Business Leadership with concentrations in accounting. In my studies I have gained knowledge on a number of areas that are essential in this course which include: auditing, corporate taxation, strategic and effective communication, laws of accounting, professional ethics, and strategic services in marketing and financial management. All this and some of the undergraduate courses especially the few arts disciplines and research will go a long way in helping me understand the course more. My work experience at Almutawa Press Company from 2002 to 2005 gave me an opportunity to know how businesses operate and how the skills we learn in school are very necessary in any organization. I am very reliable when it comes to completing tasks and in meeting tight and strict deadlines. Furthermore, I can multi-task and prioritize and my pride lies in a job well done. I possess a highly dependable attitude that is both strong and professional which enables me to strive and excel in a fast paced, high volume and stressful working environment. Other than education and work, I have had the privilege of learning and living in a different country from where I was born and this has enabled me to interact with people from different parts of the world. I have embraced different cultures and practices and my experiences with them have made me a better person in terms of being more knowledgeable in matters other than academics and at the same time appreciative of other people’s views on life as well as knowing how different economies operate with regards to the policies they use. I have great plans for my future since my aim is to come up with better economic policies that will be used all over the world and work with great companies and individuals. It will be a great honor joining and advancing my career at University of Wyoming and be part of a world class teaching and research institution that is focused on helping people build their careers professionally while equipping them with skills that last a life time. How to cite Statement of Purpose/ Personal Statement, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

U.S. Multicultural Visions Essay Example For Students

U.S. Multicultural Visions Essay Saul Perkins November 4th 1998 Paper 3 Ask any typical-looking Asian students around campus whether they are Chinese or Japanese and the reply will probably be universal: Neither, Im Chinese-American. In reality, developing a clear concept of exactly how they define themselves as a race has become a difficult thing to do in this day and age for most Chinese-Americans. Many have become so well adjusted to the American way of life, that the only thing still tying them to their ancestral roots is physical appearance and the answer to the SAT questionnaire about ethnicity background. This is the basis for the overall theme of The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan. The Joy Luck Club is a group of varied stories rooted in the culture clash between four women whom adamantly follow Chinese refinement and their respective daughters, who are Americanized. Throughout the story, it becomes obvious that the daughters have become Americanized and are veering away from the sacred culture with which the mothers have come to appreciate as the basis for what keeps them stable throughout the endless trails and hardships they face. The differences in the upbringing of those women born during the first quarter of this century in China, and their daughters, born in the American atmosphere of California, are differences that form a metaphorical brick wall between the two generations lives. Faced with this wall, both sides have a hard time relating to one another. From the beginning of the novel, Suyuan Woo tells the story of The Joy Luck Club, a group started by the four Chinese mothers during World War II, where we feasted, we laughed, we played games, lost and won, we told the best stories. And each week, we could hope to be lucky. That hope was our only joy. (p. 12). It is obvious that over the years this weekly event has become more than just a game of Mah Jong and an extra helping of dinner for these women. It is the tie that binds them together; it is what keeps them grounded in what little Chinese culture is left for them to have and hold. Growing up during perilous times in China, they all were taught to desire nothing, to swallow other peoples misery, to eat their own bitterness. (p. 241). Though not many of them grew up terribly poor, they all had a certain respect for their elders, and for life itself. These Chinese mothers were all taught to be honorable, to the point of sacrificing their own lives to keep any family members promise. They all were taught to desire nothing, to swallow other peoples misery, to eat their own bitterness. (p. 241). This is in comparison to the American daughters who grew up with little to almost no culture. Lindo Jong, whose daughter, Waverly, doesnt even know four Chinese words, describes the complete difference and incompatibility of the two worlds she tried to connect for her daughter, American circumstances and Chinese character. She explains that there is no lasting feeling in being born in America, and that all being a minority means is that you are the first in line for scholarships. Most importantly, she notes that In America, nobody says you have to keep the circumstances somebody else gives you. (p. 289). Living in America, it was easy for Waverly to accept American circumstances and to grow up as any other American citizen. As a Chinese mother, Lindo wanted her daughter to learn the importance of Chinese character. She tried to teach her Chinese-American daughter How to obey parents and listen to your mothers mind. How not to show your own thoughts, to put your feelings behind your face so you can take advantage of hidden opportunities . . . .u820d8f13b19f0f4c2b5a9612a3c2ba7e , .u820d8f13b19f0f4c2b5a9612a3c2ba7e .postImageUrl , .u820d8f13b19f0f4c2b5a9612a3c2ba7e .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u820d8f13b19f0f4c2b5a9612a3c2ba7e , .u820d8f13b19f0f4c2b5a9612a3c2ba7e:hover , .u820d8f13b19f0f4c2b5a9612a3c2ba7e:visited , .u820d8f13b19f0f4c2b5a9612a3c2ba7e:active { border:0!important; } .u820d8f13b19f0f4c2b5a9612a3c2ba7e .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u820d8f13b19f0f4c2b5a9612a3c2ba7e { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u820d8f13b19f0f4c2b5a9612a3c2ba7e:active , .u820d8f13b19f0f4c2b5a9612a3c2ba7e:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u820d8f13b19f0f4c2b5a9612a3c2ba7e .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u820d8f13b19f0f4c2b5a9612a3c2ba7e .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u820d8f13b19f0f4c2b5a9612a3c2ba7e .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u820d8f13b19f0f4c2b5a9612a3c2ba7e .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u820d8f13b19f0f4c2b5a9612a3c2ba7e:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u820d8f13b19f0f4c2b5a9612a3c2ba7e .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u820d8f13b19f0f4c2b5a9612a3c2ba7e .u820d8f13b19f0f4c2b5a9612a3c2ba7e-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u820d8f13b19f0f4c2b5a9612a3c2ba7e:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Marketing Research Information on Primavera System Essay How to know your own worth and polish it, never flashing it around like a cheap ring. (p. 289). The American-born daughters never grasp on to these traits, partly why their story lines become so different from their purely Chinese parents. Rules of the Game is a set example in which the mother-daughter cultural conflict is evident. Waverlys mother is constantly showing off her daughter because she is a national chess champion. In a Chinese society, .